
What Size Crate For Dachshund? How To Choose The Perfect Crate!


Crates provide a secure and comfortable space for your Dachshund, serving various purposes from training to providing a safe haven. Selecting the appropriate crate size is crucial to ensure your Dachshund feels cozy without being cramped. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to choose the perfect crate for your Dachshund.

Measuring Your Dachshund:

1. Length:

  • Measure your Dachshund from the tip of their nose to the base of their tail. Add a few inches for comfort, but ensure the crate is long enough for them to stretch out comfortably.

2. Height:

  • Measure your Dachshund from the top of their head to the ground. Again, add a few inches to allow for a comfortable standing position inside the crate.

3. Width:

  • Measure the width of your Dachshund at the widest point, typically around the shoulders. The crate should be wide enough for them to turn around easily.

Choosing the Right Crate Type:

1. Wire Crates:

  • Wire crates are well-ventilated and allow your Dachshund to see their surroundings. Ensure the wire spacing is appropriate to prevent any accidental injuries.

2. Plastic Crates:

  • Plastic crates provide a cozy, den-like atmosphere. They are often preferred for travel. Choose a plastic crate with ventilation on all sides.

3. Soft-Sided Crates:

  • Soft-sided crates are lightweight and portable. They are suitable for well-behaved Dachshunds and are best for indoor use.

4. Size Considerations:

  • Consider the growth of your Dachshund. If they are a puppy, choose a crate that will accommodate their adult size. Many crates come with dividers to adjust the size as your Dachshund grows.

Crate Training Tips:

1. Positive Association:

  • Make the crate a positive place by associating it with treats, toys, and comfort. Encourage your Dachshund to enter the crate willingly.

2. Gradual Introduction:

  • Introduce the crate gradually. Begin by leaving the door open and allowing your Dachshund to explore. Gradually increase the time they spend inside.

3. Patience and Consistency:

  • Be patient and consistent with crate training. Use positive reinforcement and avoid using the crate as a form of punishment.

Safety Considerations:

1. Ventilation:

  • Ensure the crate provides adequate ventilation. This is especially important during warmer months.

2. Secure Latch:

  • Check that the crate has a secure latch to prevent accidental escapes.

3. Proper Size:

  • A crate that is too large may not provide the cozy, den-like feel that dogs crave. Ensure the crate is the right size for your Dachshund.


Choosing the perfect crate for your Dachshund involves careful consideration of their size, preferences, and the type of crate that suits your lifestyle. With the right crate and positive reinforcement, crate time can become a positive and comfortable experience for your Dachshund.