
Do Dachshunds Have Health Problems? Devastating Dachshund Issues Revealed!


Dachshunds, with their endearing appearance and charming personality, are beloved by many. However, like any breed, they are prone to certain health issues. In this guide, we’ll explore the potential health problems that Dachshunds may face, providing insights into prevention, early detection, and care.

Common Health Concerns:

1. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD):

  • One of the most well-known health issues in Dachshunds is IVDD, a condition affecting the spinal discs. Their long spine and short legs make them more susceptible to back problems.

2. Obesity:

  • Dachshunds love their food, and their unique shape can make them prone to obesity. Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise is crucial to prevent weight-related issues.

3. Patellar Luxation:

  • Patellar luxation is a condition where the kneecap dislocates. It’s more common in small breeds like Dachshunds and may require surgical intervention.

4. Epilepsy:

  • Some Dachshunds may be prone to epilepsy, a neurological disorder that can cause seizures. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for early detection and management.

5. Dental Issues:

  • Due to their small size and sometimes crowded teeth, Dachshunds may be prone to dental problems. Regular dental care, including brushing and dental treats, can help prevent issues.

Prevention and Care Tips:

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight:

  • Obesity is a risk factor for various health problems. Ensure your Dachshund maintains a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise.

2. Regular Veterinary Check-ups:

  • Routine veterinary visits are crucial for early detection of potential health issues. Discuss a suitable vaccination schedule and preventive care with your vet.

3. Dietary Considerations:

  • Provide a high-quality, balanced diet suitable for your Dachshund’s age and health status. Consult your vet for dietary recommendations.

4. Proper Exercise:

  • Regular, low-impact exercise is essential for Dachshunds. Be mindful of their backs, avoiding activities that strain the spine.

5. Dental Care:

  • Implement a dental care routine to prevent dental issues. This may include regular brushing, dental treats, and dental check-ups.

Responsible Breeding Practices:

1. Screening for Genetic Conditions:

  • Responsible breeders conduct health screenings for genetic conditions prevalent in Dachshunds. Consider obtaining your Dachshund from a reputable breeder who prioritizes health.

2. Spaying/Neutering:

  • Spaying or neutering your Dachshund can contribute to their overall health and may reduce the risk of certain reproductive-related issues.


While Dachshunds bring immense joy to households, it’s crucial to be aware of potential health issues and take proactive measures for prevention and early detection. Regular veterinary care, a balanced diet, proper exercise, and responsible breeding practices are key to ensuring the well-being of these delightful companions. By staying informed and attentive to your Dachshund’s health, you can provide them with a happy and healthy life.